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Kalitar Village: A Team of 4 and 2 doctors and a nurse.

Kalitar Village:  a Team of 4 and additionally 2 doctors and a nurse- 
 1. Primed and painted the community center, outside kitchen and church inside and out
 2. Built an inside stove for the ladies in the outside kitchen the CFH built a few years ago.
 3. Distributed organic seeds a donation from Renee’s Garden  to the villagers (over 150 packets)
 4. Facilitated a Medical Clinic and Pharmacy: We had 2 Nepali doctors and 1 nurse for 235 villagers – and supplied all medication
 6. Facilitated sewing classes for 10 woman who stayed in the community center for 1 month- we supplied food – 5 sewing machines and paid a lady in the village to cook for them

March 2021 – From the Top of the World

For all those that shared generously to help build this Abandoned Woman ( with 7 children AND her aged father-in-law) a home in Kalitar, here are the pictures of what has been done as of March 29, 2021 ( donations taken in December). 

The falling-down shack is her current home. 



The team has taken 5 trips there to maintain the integrity of the project.


All rock is carried by hand from the river about 1/2 mile away and all rock is then hand crushed to make for the flooring.

Cement is mixed with sand and small pebbles from the river to make the bricks and mortar to build the building. Everything is made on the property. 

There is nothing that can compare this woman’s face in the first picture and the last picture of her. She now has hope her family can be safe the next rainy season and cold weather season without a building falling on her. 

The thatched roofs in this village leak and the people try to patch with tarps that quickly disintegrate.   

The picture below is an example of the conditions of the roofs.

Change for Hope is currently collecting funds to roof the 9 worst houses in Kalitar.   

Our goal is to roof all the homes in Kalitar that need roofing.  The total estimated cost of the balance of the roofing is approximately $12,000.  

Please continue to give as we are continuing our work in Kalitar. 

Thank you for your generosity…the work continues….final pictures in about a month…..

February 2021 – From the Top of the World

We met this woman who had been abandoned by her husband in 2019. 

Next to her is the home she lives in currently.  Left with 7 children and an ailing father in law she has struggled to take care of everyone. She has been faithful to her family in a country where women, too, just walk away. 
Last year we purchased a water buffalo for her to help her start a business and this year we will build her a 3 room house ( each room 10×12).  It will look like the picture above.  When we told her we would do this the next time the team saw her and told her of the support we raised…well you can see how age evaporated off her face as she knew her children would be well.
So little does so much in Nepal.  Thank you for your continuous support.