Sonam is 16 years old. Sonam means MYSTERIOUS (in Tibetan language) and FORTUNATE in Hindi language. He came in the Mercy Children Home 11 years ago while his age was just 5 year old very young boy. He is from a tribe called Lhomi (one of the most backward ethnic group or indigenous group of Nepal) from the Himalayan region place called Shankhuwasabha.



Sonam reached Mercy Children Home by walking 10 days and traveling another two days by bus drive to reach Pokhara and Mercy Children Home.

His father and mother and three siblings live high in the mountains. His father is a farmer who grows potatoes, wheat, herbs and barley. Sonam is in the glasses in the picture below at Mercy Children Home and in his school picture to the right.

Sonam and Family

High Mountain people can’t live in the village in the winter season, so villagers leave the village for six months to survive by herbs selling in the plain areas. As spring comes they move towards their mountain village slowly and live there for six months.

Sonam was introduced to Nepali and English at Mercy Home as he spoke a tribal language when he came. He attended private school and finished his High School with above average marks this year.

His desire is to become a certified lab technician during a 15 month course of study. His employment will help him to have an independent life which has always been the goal of ChangeforHope.