The last two years have been very hard for the Nepali people and many things in life stopped, but ChangeforHope continued working even in the most difficult of circumstances ( Covid, crowded busses, and lockdowns). 

We were very pleased to finish the Abandoned woman’s house with windows, stucco, and painting, to deliver more emergency supplies to families ( woolen blankets for ground cover), and to help the most vulnerable in the village, the elderly with warm jackets, hats, shawls, AND roofs their houses- 8 in all.
The Abandoned woman was able to pick out her own house color “BRIGHT BRIGHT” yellow and with the blue roof not only does she stand out in her community as a woman who helps but now her house stands out too.  We also her wooden window frames in with glass.
The community was enlisted to help in the tearing down of the old grass roofs and to help the paid woodworker and truss maker to roof 8 houses.
The consensus was all blue and it really turned out lovely.  The elderly and their family now have water-safe roofs. The blue roofs of Kalitar are a lovely sight.
Because my manager in Nepal, Sandip, is a master at speaking and bargaining we were able to stretch the money, donated by many but the majority from Corning Rotary Club in New York, we were also able to listen to a plea from a teacher in a very rural school that his classrooms were all leaking. They too will not be roofed- that is this last picture.

Thank you for your continued support.


Villagers carry supplies for the work.

Here we are building trusses.

This is what the new trusses look like inside



New roof. 🙂 

New roof. 🙂 

Stucco and roof for this house.

Started to paint.

Finished painting.

Abandoned women so happy. 🙂


Blankets distributed.

These are the elderly that were helped, with Sandip and the abandoned woman.

A woman overcome with joy over what God has provided for her…

New school – next project

The blue roofs of Kalitar


Thank you so much for your continued support.