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Building a Church in Nepal 12-18-15

This is one church I am helping to build in the Terai region of Nepal…almost finished.

Picture one/two…how the floor ended up looking EmojiEmoji

chandra church          chandra church5

#3 outside of building
chandra church4
From the labor of the believers hands they labor…

Nepal Update 12-12-15

A church in the Terai sat unfinished for 5 months because of a lack of funding. CFH is putting the final touches on this building with floors, stucco ( plaster) inside and out, and paint. The floor is being made ready for cement in the pictures as the people of this village are doing the manual work to accomplish their goal.

Chandra churc floor #2

Chandra church floor


church floor

Children of Babare in Nepal 12-10-15

These are the children that donations are helping among others. has been in this village of Babare for three years refurbishing the school. You can see that the earthquake has caused the work to be lost and the children are outside trying to learn as temperatures dip down in the mountains. Please consider a year end donation and see the results of your work in future posts when I return December 26th. Be a blessing to other….thank you from the bottom of their hearts and mine.

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November 18, 2015

goat#2More electrical cooking devices were purchased this week for two more families that work with ChangeforHope.

The earthquake also created widows in Nepal with many having little means of support. ChangeforHope purchased animals for two widows in the Dhading area of Nepal. Kumari actually lost her husband to cancer before the earthquakes and the other during the earthquake. Kumari’s female water buffalo will breed and begin to produce milk hopefully by 2016. Water buffalo provide many means of income by being used to plow fields ( income)-production of milk,ghee and curd and meat. More goats are being purchased which will also supply meat and milk for those devastated by the earthquake.
Thank you from the bottom of the hearts of these women who now have hope in a future and can provide for their children.kumari and buff